
The Beatles, Hippies and Hells Angels: Inside the Crazy World of Apple

2016 - Feature Documentary, 90'

Chancers: The Great Gangster Film Fraud

2014 - Feature Documentary, 90'

Google and the World Brain

2013 - HD, 89'

Poor Us – An Animated History of Poverty – Peabody Award for Why Poverty Season

2012 - HD, 58

What Brits Love

2011 - HD, 5x45'

The Great Contemporary Art Bubble

2009 - HD, 90'

Agent Moura

2007, 60'

Art Safari (German Version)

2006, 156'

Hammer & Tickle

2006 - Digibeta, DV, Super 8, Flash Animation, 90'

Art Safari 2

2005, 4x30'

Blowing Up Paradise

2004, 80'

Art Safari 1

2003, 4x30'

Baader Meinhof : In Love with Terror

2002 - digibeta, 70

The King of Communism: The Pomp and Pageantry of Nicolae Ceauceasu

2001, 60'