Google and the World Brain: Rincón Film Festival
by Ben Lewis
22 April, 2013
in Google and the World Brain
Google and the World Brain: RiverRun Film Festival
11 April, 2013
“Google und die Macht des Wissens” in the Frankfurter Allgemeine
8 April, 2013
Meet the 2013 Sundance Filmmakers #17: Ben Lewis
2 April, 2013
Ben Lewis Films has a brand new Facebook Page
1 April, 2013
Another Exciting Review: Google and The World Brain
26 March, 2013
Interview with Ben Lewis in ARTPULSE Magazine
5 March, 2013
in ArtCrit, News, The Great Contemporary Art Bubble
Last Chance to Watch ‘Google and the World Brain’ on BBC Iplayer
4 March, 2013
The Bubble @ Akademie der Künste, Berlin
13 February, 2013
in News, The Great Contemporary Art Bubble
Ben at Sundance
21 January, 2013
in Film, Google and the World Brain, News
Trailer: Google and the World Brain
15 January, 2013
in Film, Google and the World Brain
Watch the new Sinti & Roma film!
20 December, 2012
in Das zerrissene Herz, News