New Article about Google and the World Brain 21.09.13
by Ben Lewis
25 September, 2013
in Film, Google and the World Brain
Upcoming Festivals: NYFF, Doc Soup, EIDF and many more!
24 September, 2013
Google and the World Brain is now available on DVD!
in Buy DVDs, Culture, Film, Google and the World Brain, History and Politics
Google and the World Brain at Austria’s Elevate Festival
Cambridge Film Festival Presents Google and the World Brain
20 September, 2013
Google and the World Brain’s Premiere on American TV!
29 August, 2013
Meet the World Brain – how much will you share?
28 August, 2013
The Frontline Club – After the Google Screening
The Perfect day to Enjoy a Bit of Retro Ben Lewis…
20 August, 2013
in Ben, Film
Liverpool Fact Screening Google and the World Brain
12 August, 2013
The Frontline Club screening Google and the World Brain
Google and the World Brain at the Real Film Festival
16 July, 2013
in Film, Google and the World Brain, News